Why Padang?

The Getaway to the Minang Highlands

Padang is the capital city of West Sumatra Province and is one of the largest cities in Indonesia. The region is in the limelight for its legendary folktales such as the love story of Siti Nurbaya who was forced to marry an old wealthy merchant and the story of an ungodly man, Malin Kundang, who was cursed to stone by his mother. Apart from being famous with its folktales, Padang is also well-known for its scrumptious dishes.

Famous throughout Indonesia for its distinctive cuisine, Padang is the place to go to sample the famous spicy nasi padang food that has spread throughout the country and the world, including delicacies such as rendang, dendeng, and sate padang. The popularity is owing to its mouthwatering food and the unique serving style -  the waiters will expertly carry more than ten plates with all kinds of delicacies on both arms. These dishes will then be spread out on the table for diners to pick and choose.